Golden Triangle Capital specialises in providing investment and corporate advisory services.


Golden Triangle Capital provides wholesale, sophisticated and institutional investors access to the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) for all equity transaction needs. 

At Golden Triangle Capital we do not provide advice, rather we reveal general financial analysis and our own personal investment activity.

If you are simply requiring execution of transactions, we can certainly assist you.


Golden Triangle Capital provides a smooth capital raising process, transition to ASX listing, corporate advisory, investor relations and research.

We connect corporate with our community of sophisticated investors, providing funding for all stages in strategic development.

  • Project management of Seed offerings, Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) and other capital raising processes
  • Formulation of corporate strategy plans
  • Lead company critical negotiations
  • Investor roadshows, presentations and market relations
  • Initiate company coverage through research reports and investor updates.
  • Preparation and co-ordination of capital raising documentation


Golden Triangle Capital specialise in providing investors with hand-selected investment opportunities.

The most crucial step in our business model is that we co-invest alongside you in every deal. Accordingly, you will only receive an investment opportunity if we are personally willing to put our own money behind the company.

  • Strategic development of mezzanine capital
  • Seed Capital
  • Capital via Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), Reverse Take Overs (RTOs) and public raisings
  • Golden Triangle Capital has developed close relationships with various financial institutions and investors for corporate strategic diversity